Issue 78, Winter 2005

Valley Quail by John Lager

It takes a special talent to win a Best All Around title at a high level competition. John Lager of Littleton, Colorado, has accomplished that feat for six consecutive years at the National Taxidermists Association annual competition. At the 2004 N.T.A. competition, the valley quail pair on the cover of this issue were John s bird entries that helped win him his sixth title. In this issue, we are featuring John s methods for mounting a lifesize mountain goat. John will also be competing at the 2005 World Taxidermy Championships and will give a seminar on mounting a pronghorn antelope.


The Breakthrough Gallery - 2005 N.T.A.
Breakthrough Award - 2004 Winners
Finishing Techniques for Birds - Glen Browning
Brown Trout Underwater - Don Frank and Eric Engbretson
Part 1: Mounting a Canada Goose - Cally Morris and Larry Blomquist
Reproduction Fins for Skin Mounts - Gary Bruch
Part 2: Rugs - Mary Hilliard Krueger
2005 World Shows: Make Plans - Mar. 29-Apr. 2, 2005
Back to Basics: Ten Pounds of Manure - Rick Carter
Part 2: Study Cast of a Large Fish - Clark Schreibeis
Mounting a Mountain Goat - John Lager
New Sharpener Gives You an Edge - Trent Meyer
Paint Schedule: Bluegill - Larry Blomquist


Yock Yax: Deer In My World - Bill Yox
Q&A - Larry Goldman
Yox Yax: On the Phone - Bill Yox
Forums, Volume 18: Taxidermy as a Viable Career - Ken Edwards


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Issue 78
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