Issue 71, Spring 2003


When Breakthrough Publisher Larry Blomquist judged and photographed the I.G.T. Convention June 2002, this pheasant pair kept catching his attention. At the end of the photo session, Larry decided to take a series of photos of the pheasants from all angles to see what the possibilities might be. Larry soon knew the photos had cover potential. Ken Edwards offered to work with the digital images and perform his magic. As you now see, all efforts were successful.
The big credit must go to Brian Harness of Harrison, Arkansas. His taxidermy skills and artistic composition of this pheasant pair earned him two first places in the Master Division at the I.G.T., and two weeks later, two first places in the Open Division at the N.T.A. Convention. Brian has taken numerous top awards in mammal and gamehead competitions at state and national levels over the last few years, but this piece exposes how versatile he really is.


The Breakthrough Gallery - 2002 I.G.T.Convention
Taxidermy Studio in Tanzania - Lorenzo Vinciguerra
Fleshing 101 - Bob Phillips
Part 3: OM WT Taxidermy - Dan Rinehart/Paul Cales
The Breakthrough Awards - 2001-2002 Winners
Re-Creating a Flying Bald Eagle - James Day
Back to Basics: Velvet Preservation - Rick Carter
The National Wild Turkey Federation - 2002 Competition
Scimitar-Horned Oryx - Paul Rhymer and John Matthews
Two Easy (Profitable) Habitats - Frank Newmyer
Part 2: Carving a Radically Curved Fish - Clark Schreibeis
Fish Taxidermy: Diversity - Warren Young
Paint Schedule: Striped Bass - Ralph Garland


The Law and Taxidermists - Mike Oropallo
Q&A - Larry Goldman
Yox Yacks - Bill Yox
How Much for That Deer Head - Kenneth Bauman
Taxidermy Forums, Vol. 11: Hummers, Taxidermy, and The Bigger Picture - Ken Edwards


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Issue 71
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