Kent and Val Reedy The World Show always has several pieces that capture the attention of everyone. This piece, entered in the Collective Artists Division by husband and wife team Kent and Val Reedy, and metal worker Willy Fink, was one of those pieces. The judges evaluating the Akeley Award entries said this was the first entry they remember that all three judges agreed upon without discussion as the Akeley first-place winner. At the time no one knew that it would also win Best in World Collective Artists and the Competitors’ Choice Best of Show Award. This is the first World Show winner to capture all three of these awards
The Breakthrough Gallery: 2013 Best in World Winners 16 The 2013 World Show® Springfield, Illinois
Product Review: Treatment for Insect Infestations George Ferko
Reference: Mouflon Sheep Larry Blomquist
My Fairy Tale Goal for Gold Bill Neuman
Mounting an Albino Moose Peter LaJoie
How to Make Sculpting Clay Travis De Villiers
Painting a Walleye Clark Schreibeis
Part 2, Taxidermy Competing and Judging Clark Schreibeis
Painting a Yellowtail Snapper Mike Kirkhart
Tribute: Robert Bennett Doug Eck and Bill Neuman Turkey Tail and Beard Display Larry Blomquist
We Cannot Thank You Enough Larry Blomquist
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