Issue 81, Fall/Winter 2005

Wood Ducks by Frank Newmyer

Is taxidermy a valid form of wildlife art? This question has been debated in the taxidermy profession for decades. This trio of woodies in a stylized blue heron habitat won the 2005 Carl E. Akeley Award for the entry that best represents taxidermy as a valid form of wildlife art. The artist was  none other than Frank Newmyer of Gladwin, Michigan. Frank becomes the first person to win this award a second time. His first Akeley Award was at the first World Show in 1983. See pages 84 and 85 for a review of the 2005 Akeley and Master of Masters winners.


The BREAKTHROUGH Gallery - N.T.A. North America Champions
The Eyes Have It: GREAT HORNED OWL - Igor Caragodin
Using an Electric Eraser for Fish - Warren Young
National Taxidermists Convention - Sioux Falls, SD
Stripers by Design - Don Frank
Part 2: Hanging Turkey Trophy - Larry Blomquist and Cally Morris
Dead Head: Painting a Turkey Head - Cally Morris
Painting Turkey Feet - Cally Morris
Part 2, Back to Basics: Whitetail Earbutts - Rick Carter
Freezer Thoughts (...HURRICANES) - Dave Luke
Remounting an African Lion - rnulf Kvebek
Part 3: Dear Doctor - Bob Chauvin
Automatic Pressure Tanning - Dan Rinehart
Painting a Yellow Perch - Breakthrough Fish Painting Encyclopedia


The Law and Taxidermists - Mike Oropallo
WTC Goes to Reno - Larry Blomquist
Ordinary School Boys - Mike Buesseler
Modern Marvels: Taxidermy - Larry Blomquist
Tormented Trophies & Mangled Mounts - Dennis Murawska
Yox Yacks - Bill Yox
Q&A - Larry Goldman
Vol. 20, The Best of Forums: Snap-Together Taxidermy - Ken Edwards
Perry Klein - Larry Blomquist


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