Issue 70, Winter 2003


OCELLATED TURKEY: Little did we know in 1998 that a reference study by Lovett Williams on ocellated turkeys would result in a cover 4 years later. Hunting and collecting this beautiful turkey of the Yucatan in Mexico became a primary goal for well known taxidermist Dave Luke of Mandeville, Louisiana. Dave has hunted and collected birds around the world for his private collection, but he is most proud of the ocellated turkey. His story and article on mounting the turkey can be found on page 34 of this issue.


The Breakthrough Gallery - Advanced Taxidermy and Wildlife Design
Are You Ready to Compete? - Rick Carter
Get Your Skeletons Out of the Cupboard - Simon Blackshaw
L.J. "Bert" Van Dyke - Mark Wilson and Linda Van Dyke-Kilcoin
Mounting an Ocellated Turkey - Dave Luke
Tree and Plant Preservation - Jerry Kabat
Part VII, Composition: This is Only a Test - Stefan Savides
Molding & Casting: No More Clay! - Randy Nelson
Part 1: Carving a Radically Curved Fish - Clark Schreibeis
Part 2: Open-Mouth Whitetail Taxidermy - Dan Rinehart/Paul Cales
Making Rocks & Geodes - Larry Goldman
Two Trips, Two Friends - Larry Goldman
Product: Are You Ready for Revolution? - Antonio and Jessie Alfaro
Health & Safety for Taxidermists - Bob Chauvin
THE 2003 WORLD SHOW IN GEAR! - Springfield, IL
Paint Schedule: Largemouth Bass - Bill Newman


The Law and Taxidermists - Mike Oropallo
Tribute: Edwin "Bunk" Carter - Larry Blomquist
Q&A - Larry Goldman
Tribute: Gary Zehner - Don Frank
Yox Yacks - Bill Yox
Products Review: Newmyer's Bases - Dave Luke
Tanning Q&A - Bruce Rittel
Taxidermy Forums, Vol. 10: World-Class Reactions - Ken Edwards


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Issue 70
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