On the Cover, Fall Issue #139: Gene Smith
Gene Smith of Louisville, Georgia, wins our cover artist challenge again. This mount is the featured piece of our five-part series on mounting a competition whitetail by Gene. His finishing techniques and procedures in this issue brings this whitetail full circle in how it is done by a 3-time Whitetail World Champion. As you have seen in this series, Gene saved a photo on the cover of North American Hunter magazine published many years ago and recreated the attitude exactly as pictured.
2 The Breakthrough Gallery: 2020 Breakthrough Award
11 Part 5: Finishing a Competition Whitetail Deer by Gene Smith
26 Habitat for a Spotted Seatrout by Mike Kirkhart
30 Virtual Competition: New Mexico Assoc. by Larry Blomquist
36 Doin’ Stuff With Old Antlers by Ralph Garland
46 Preparation of the World’s Largest Softshell Turtle by Jürgen Fiebig
56 Breakthrough Award Winners 2020
66 Repairing Old Fish Mounts by Don Ryno
74 Waterfowl Reference Study: Gadwalls by Larry Blomquist
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