Issue 120, Winter 2016

Frank Kotula

Many competitions entries from 2015 were considered for this issue’s cover. We looked at many categories, but since we have not had a fish on the cover in over two years they attracted our strongest focus. We loved many of the carvings from the 2015 WFCC and many had the vertical composition we need, but the last fish on our cover was a carving; it was taxidermy’s turn this time. Don Frank’s Best in World Mixed Group and David Campbell’s two Best in World Fish entries received strong consideration, but this brown trout composition by Frank Kotula of Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, finally captured our attention and won the cover competition. The piece actually was comprised of two entries with the big brown in the Coldwater Fish Skin Mount category of the Master Division, scoring a 86.3, a strong score but not enough to win a medallion in this very tough World Title division. The smaller brown was an entry in the Master Division Recreations category and received a 82.3 score and second place in its subcategory. In Mike Kirkhart’s paint schedule on the black drum, we included a photo of Bob Berry holding a gold-phase black drum he caught while fishing with Don Frank of Missouri and publisher Larry Blomquist. (Larry took these two World Champions on a fishing trip to Venice, Louisiana, and to the mouth of the Mississippi River.) Recently Larry and Kathy received this silhouette painting on lightweight lauan plywood. The silhouette is the actual size of the fish: 34 inches in length and a true work of outstanding artistry.

In This Issue

The Breakthrough Gallery 2015 Breakthrough Award Winners
Building a Custom Half-Mount Sable Travis De Villiers
Reference Study: Whitetail Facial Details Larry Blomquist
Fish Techniques from a World Champion Brian Noody
Waterfowl in Flight: Flying Blomquist and Kallina
Making a Profit in Taxidermy John Jennings
The 2015 World Fish Carving Entries Springfield, Missouri
2015 Breakthrough Award Winners from 32 states
Reference Study: Rocks and Stones Larry Blomquist
Painting a Black Drum Mike Kirkhart


Q&A Larry Goldman
I Wood Like to Know Larry Goldman


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Issue 120
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