Henry Wichers Inchumuk
This issue features the NTA 2011 convention and competition. Many outstanding pieces attracted great attention, but there were a few that were captivating. At the grand age of 94, Henry Wichers Inchumuk produced one of those pieces. His composition of a bobcat family took a first place and the Ivan Harvey Memorial Award (most original small mammal, bobcat or smaller). Henry's work has those intangibles that taxidermy masters know how to capture. Henry truly stands out as one the the greatests of all time.
The Breakthrough Gallery: - 2011 North American Champions
Our Northern Pike Project - Brett Wingfield and Tom Matuska
Gain an Advantage - Bob Berry
Taxidermy Projects for National Museums Scotland - Leo Bouten
2011 NTA Convention - Sioux Falls, SD
Reference Study: Eastern Wild Turkey - Larry Blomquist
Molding a 14-Inch Redear Sunfish Using Silicone - Kerby Ross
To Sew or Not to Sew - Randy Life
European Mount - Tony Grabowski
Part 2: Africa’s Small Cats (Tiny Terrors) - John Bellucci
Oranda Goldfish: Resurrecting the Universe - Dennis Murawska
Reference Study: Pronghorn - Larry Blomquist
Painting Schedule: RoosterfishMike Kirkhart
Tribute: Jim Hall - Ken Edwards and Richard Jeppson
Taxidermy Q&A - Larry Goldman
I Wood Like To Know - Larry Goldman
Roosevelt Award Given to Ken Edwards - Harry Paulson
Calendar of Events
Schools & Training
Classified Ads
Reference of the Month
The Breakthrough Library
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