Do you ever get confused when trying to select the proper size lifesize form to fit a skin? Welcome to the world of taxidermy! As they say, “If it was easy everybody would be doing it.” When a taxidermist graduates from mounting shoulder mounts to lifesize taxidermy, the degree of difficulty ratchets up a notch. I hope I can offer a few tips to help with selecting the proper size form (mannequin) which will greatly reduce some of the challenges. What I have to offer is part voodoo, part science, and part educated guess. As Yogi Berra said, “Baseball is 90 percent physical and the other half is mental.” This sounds similar to taxidermy, doesn’t it? All kidding aside, let’s focus on some areas that should help you in choosing the proper size form.
To read the rest of this valuable article on measuring for correct fit, subscribe to Breakthrough, or order Issue 124. Call 800-783-7266 or subscribe online.