Current Issue

Reference Study: Coyotes, Part 2

Reference Study: Coyotes, Part 2

by Larry Blomquist

Author: Administrator Account/Friday, February 1, 2019/Categories: Articles - All, Articles - Home Page, Fall 2018 Issue 131

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THE LAST ISSUE'S study of coyotes featured facial details, facial attitudes, and still body poses. In this issue’s study, the focus will be body attitudes often recreated by taxidermists because of special requests from our customers, and other times it is for that search or quest for a new and different attitude for a competition piece. I have been told many times by taxidermists, “Thanks for that photo reference in the recent issue! I used one of them as a guide to complete my competition entry.”

The coyote reference for the last issue and this issue were divided into attitude categories. In this issue I will show groups for fighting or aggressive, howling, walking/running, pouncing, and with prey. I hope you are not only enjoying but also learning and using the reference we present in Breakthrough. If any of you have special requests or a species you would like us to feature, send us an email. You can do this by visiting our web site at or email us at


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