by Larry Blomquist
In the last issue we featured a 14-page reference guide of the major grouse species of North America. Over the next several issues I will target some of the common species that taxidermists are likely to receive. Of course, many of these grouse are regional in their distribution, but with the popularity in game bird hunting as strong as ever, taxidermists in any area of North America should not be surprised if one of them finds their counters.
This feature offers reference of both the greater and lesser prairie chickens. My photo sources offered excellent photography of both subspecies, but the most diverse selection was of the lesser prairie chicken. I would like to note that subspecies are so similar that reference of either will work for both.
To get the rest of this valuable reference article on greater and lesser prairie chickens, subscribe to Breakthrough, or order Issue 124. Call 800-783-7266 or subscribe online.