
Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Waterfowl Reference Study: Goldeneyes (Common and Barrow’s)

by Larry Blomquist

Back in the late 1800s the three species of ducks listed above were put in the same genus Bucephala. Buffleheads were formerly treated as the only members of the genus Bucephala, while goldeneyes were incorrectly placed in the genus Clangula in the early 1800s, the genus of long-tailed ducks like old squaws. In 1885 goldeneyes were moved into the genus Bucephala with buffleheads, but biologists may soon change this as they now know the two goldeneyes are well diverged. The genus Glaucionetta may soon be resurrected for goldeneyes.

Common and Barrow’s goldeneyes are very similar so I will present their reference first. What is the difference between a common goldeneye and a Barrows goldeneye?

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