The highest award an entry can receive at a state or national competition is Judges’ Choice Best of Show. Breakthrough is honoring this top achievement with the Breakthrough Award for Judges’ Choice Best of Show. Each winner receives a handsome plaque and a gift certificate from Breakthrough worth $50.00 in subscription renewals and merchandise. This is our way of thanking and perhaps giving additional motivation for the many artists of our profession. Here are the winners we are featuring from 2021:
National Taxidermists Association Wes Mote
European Taxidermy Championships Wesley Kevenaar
California Taxidermists Association Richard Mark
Colorado Association of Taxidermists Doug Barnes
Georgia Taxidermists Association Tommy Rogers
Idaho Taxidermists Association Richard Mark
Iowa Taxidermists Association Darin Brincks
Kentucky Taxidermists Association Danny Knight
Louisiana Taxidermists Association Kyle Landry
Maryland Taxidermists Association Chad See
Michigan Taxidermists Association Matt Diemer
Minnesota Taxidermists Association Bill Neuman
Nebraska Taxidermists Association Jamie Brincks
NC Taxidermists Association Russell Coble